About Timberleaf HOA
The Timberleaf Homeowners' Association is an incorporated entity established and governed by the Timberleaf HOA Covenants.
Membership in the Homeowners' Association is mandatory for all properties to which the HOA Covenants are attached, which includes all property located with three streets of the Timberleaf
neighborhood. Membership is currently limited to these properties because legally every member must conform to the HOA covenants and design guidelines.
Dues = $500/year
These fees pay for maintenance, taxes and insurance for neighborhood public areas, general insurance, public lighting in the neighborhood, and general administrative costs.
Services Provided by the HOA
- Ownership, maintenance and insurance coverage of neighborhood public areas
- Public lighting along the community entrance
- Quarterly newsletter (included with dues invoice)
- Neighborhood website
- Enforces covenants and design guidelines to promote property values
- Social events, such as a neighborhood garage sale, neighborhood cleanups, etc.
- Upkeep of unowned, vacant homes