Homeowner Resources
Please note that the documents found below are in .PDF format. Click on the document you wish to view. If it opens in a new window, you have Adobe Reader.
Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions of Timberleaf
Timberleaf Homeowners Association members are governed by Covenants and Restrictions (C & Rs). The C & Rs is a legally-binding document. The Association Covenants stipulate the purposes, membership and related logistics of operating the HOA as well as govern the ongoing performance of member property (property maintenance, use, renting, parking, trash, etc.). All member homes must be in compliance with the Covenants and Restrictions. All Homeowners' Associations have covenants, and many have related design guidelines. The Covenants and Restrictions are intended to preserve and promote property values and protect homeowner investments by ensuring everyone that certain things cannot be done that could have a negative impact on property values.
Includes three amendments (fences, outbuildings, above-ground pools).
Adobe Acrobat document [2.0 MB]
Architectural Request Form
As defined in the C & Rs, this form must be submitted to the Board and approved in advance of any changes made to the structure or property of every home in the
BEFORE you begin construction, removal, etc..., please submit an Architectural Change Request Form. It is very important that you include all necessary documents in order to receive an expeditious response. If you are in any doubt as to how to proceed or whether you need to proceed, please contact a member of the Architectural Control Committee. The board is committed to assisting you in any way it can.
If you believe there is a violation of the Covenants, please notify the HOA Vice President/Code Enforcer for review. The HOA is here to protect our largest investment - our homes and property.
Code of By-Laws of Timberleaf Homeowner's Association
By-laws created and approved by the city of Indianapolis upon the initial creation of the Timberleaf neighborhood.
HOA By-Laws.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [153.8 KB]
Property Inventory FREE Resource
Check out this FREE software website to help inventory personal property: